Showing posts from December, 2022Show all
 Budget of 39.9 million euros in Escaldes in 2023
 Andrail criticizes that the Government's estimates for the train "are double what would be appropriate"
 The intransigence of compromisers
 Carlos Núñez: "We put bagpipes and trap together, and it works wonderfully"
 Six decades of the Children's Festival: "I came there 40 years ago and now I want to continue coming there with my son"
 The minor in the Waka nightclub video reports sexual assault and says she doesn't remember anything
 The Catalan vaccine against covid does not arrive: a year without a green light for Hipra
Aragonès takes heart from the "fruits" of the dialogue and now demands a "great agreement" for the referendum
 Kaleb Rashad: "The first thing a good teacher must do is love the students"
 Eight tips to iron better and avoid wrinkles
 Marc Ribas: "What makes a chef strong is always his team"
 The bicycle is also culture
 Not talking about politics or money: the keys to having a peaceful Christmas meal
 Secrets to eating good fish without breaking the bank