89.61% came from Spain, especially Catalonia, the Valencian Country and Madrid

Image Source - Google | Image by-felixwong.com

During 2020, 73,734 people visited the Tourist Offices and information points of the Val d'Aran. Of these, 89.61% came from Spain and 10.39% were of international origin. Regarding visitors from the State, there was an increase in Catalan tourism, which represented 69.41%, followed by that of the Valencian Country (9.5%), Madrid (7.10%) and Basque Country (6.18%). In relation to international tourism, the high percentage of French visitors (84.34%) stood out, as always.

All of this has been made known in the Val d'Aran Tourism Promotion Action Plan Report 2020, which the General Council of Aran has shared with its members. The Aranese government has indicated that this action plan was greatly influenced by the health and socio-economic crisis of covid-19. This situation, they point out, led the General Council of Aran to reorient its strategies and actions to implement, based on the new reality, all of them based on three axes: sustainability, cooperation and innovation.

"Many of the actions carried out last year were not contemplated in the initial Action Plan, but the situation we experienced pushed us to reinvent ourselves in order to offer the best possible experiences to our visitors", said the deputy syndic and Minister of Economy, Tourism and Economic Promotion, Juan Antonio Serrano.

In this sense, the also Minister of Economy, Tourism and Economic Promotion, Josep Canut, added that: "from the government of the General Council of Aran we are convinced that, despite the adversities, this 2021 we will be able to continue working in a coordinated manner for to minimize the economic impact on the tourism sector and together strengthen the image of our territory".

During 2020, a whole series of campaigns aimed at dynamizing and promoting the hotel sector, restaurants and trade in the territory were carried out. It is worth highlighting initiatives such as Mercats d'Aran, a traveling market that took place during the month of August in the towns of Salardú, Arties, Vielha, Bossòst and Les and which had the participation of a total of 23 companies between businesses, Guarantee Brand producers and local artisans; Cornèrs d'Aran, a new service of guided routes through the most emblematic towns and environments of Aran, offering users an itinerary through Aran's culture and history; or the Month of well-being, for which a wide range of activities was offered such as yoga, meditation, dance, healthy cooking workshops.

In total, more than fifteen campaigns aimed at both the local public and visitors have been launched, all of them adapted to the pandemic and the measures and restrictions in force. Online communication and promotion actions were also carried out in various print, digital, television and radio media. However, actions to promote the destination at tourist fairs and salons, as well as presentations and press trips were reduced due to mobility and capacity restrictions.