He resigned from the mayor's office in an extraordinary meeting where he had words of thanks for all the councilors

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Raimon Monterde has formally resigned from the mayorship of Sort this Tuesday evening during an extraordinary meeting, convened just after the ordinary one that had already been planned for days. In his last intervention as mayor, Monterde insisted on what he had already publicly announced a few days ago, that he is resigning for strictly personal and professional reasons. During his farewell speech, he had words of thanks for all the councilors of the plenum, both from the government team and from the opposition. He highlighted the positive qualities of all of them and wished them luck and success in the remainder of their term.

Once his resignation was made official, the acting mayor has become the former deputy mayor, Baldo Farré, who will hold this position until a new investiture plenum is convened in a few weeks to elect a mayor until the end of the mandate. Everything indicates that Farré will continue to occupy the position of mayor and, in fact, Monterde himself, in his last speech, has indicated this. "I think that he is the most suitable right now to take on the role of mayor of this municipality. Obviously, he now remains as acting mayor, but surely this will evolve into a firm mayor until the end of the legislature. In fact, it is the person who has been in the town hall for the longest time and who knows best all the issues we have dealt with during these years", he pointed out. On a personal level,

For his part, Farré, visibly moved, has also praised the work done during this time by Monterde. Thus, he highlighted the strong ties that have united them during these years and recalled the good and bad moments experienced at the head of Sort Town Hall.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for Junts per Sort, Imma Gallardo, who will soon join the municipal government team, wished Monterde good luck and success in his new stage. Some good wishes that have also been sent to him by the spokesperson of Fem Municipi-Esquerra, Maleni Barbero, and of the PSC, José Antonio Manrique. Barbero and Manrique did let Monterde know, however, that they would have liked to hear about his resignation from his own mouth and not through the networks. In this sense, until yesterday the mayor has apologized to them. Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held electronically, and the only people who followed it physically from the town hall were Monterde and Farré. "I have brought Baldo to the City Hall to be able to give him the keys, since from