The company temporarily closes offices for "security" on the day it begins massive downsizing

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 The earthquake that caused the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk will have new aftershocks. The tycoon, who a week ago closed the operation worth 44,000 million , made his debut by dismissing the main managers of the social network, and it is expected that today he will go further with a massive cut in the workforce that could affect up to to 3,700 workers, almost half of the 7,500 that the company has. The information was advanced this Thursday by Bloomberg , and shortly after by the American digital medium of financial news Insider has published the message that the company has sent to the workforce. It is an email in which they are informed that the process to "reduce the global workforce" starts this Friday. The text, which does not confirm the exact number of layoffs, assures that it is a "difficult" decision, but defines it as "necessary" to place Twitter on a "healthy path" and ensure "the success of the company in the future".

"In an effort to put Twitter on a healthy path, on Friday we will go through the difficult process of reducing our global workforce. We recognize that this will affect a number of people who have made valuable contributions to Twitter, but unfortunately this action is necessary to ensure the future success of the company"

All workers will receive an email at 9:00 a.m. (5:00 p.m. Catalan time) informing them whether or not they have lost their jobs. "If your workplace is not affected, you will receive a notification via your Twitter email. If your workplace is affected, you will receive a notification with the next steps in your personal email," explains the internal message to workers. It also announces that, "to help ensure the safety of each employee, as well as Twitter's systems and customer data," Twitter's offices will be "temporarily" closed: "If you are in an office or going, go back home." Pending to know the exact proportion of the workforce left out,

We recognize that this is an incredibly difficult experience to go through, whether it affects you or not. Thank you for continuing to abide by Twitter's policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press, or elsewhere.

Musk's decision coincides with a desire to reduce expenses at Twitter, which since its creation (2006) has only closed two financial years with a positive net profit and which in the last two years has recorded losses of 1,140 and 220 million dollars . Despite being the richest man in the world after founding PayPal and Tesla, the tycoon also had to go into debt to complete the tenth most expensive purchase in the history of the technology sector. Of the 44,000 million dollars that the operation has cost, nearly 13,000 are lent by banks and 7,100 million come from equity investors.

In line with increasing revenues, one of the controversial ideas that Musk has put on the table is the promotion of premium subscriptions to the social network through the so-called Blue modality, which improves some of the benefits of the social network. As he himself reported in a tweet, the cost for users of this system – at the moment, it is only available in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – would be 8 euros per month. This payment would also be necessary to obtain Twitter's validation of the profiles corresponding to public figures and celebrities to certify that they are indeed them.