The boy who appears in the video, who is of age, has also filed a complaint for the dissemination of images of fellatio

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"He asked for a soft drink at the bar and went blank, as if he had been drugged." This is the version of the 16-year-old girl who on Monday denounced the dissemination of a sexual video in which she performed fellatio on a boy in the middle of the dance floor of the Waka nightclub in Sant Quirze del Vallès. This is stated in the complaint that her mother submitted to the Caldes de Montbui police station of the Mossos d'Esquadra and, according to sources familiar with the investigation, in her letter, the minor not only denounces the recording and dissemination of the video, but also sexual assault.

The mother explained in statements to TV3 that her daughter told her that she doesn't remember anything: "I don't know why this happened, it couldn't have been me." In a few hours, the video accumulated hundreds of thousands of views on social networks and now the Mossos are investigating who recorded it and who spread it, but also whether the minor was under the effects of a chemical submission drug. That night, Friday the 23rd, was according to the mother the first time her daughter went to a nightclub. Waka allowed those under 18 to enter that day, although adults could also enter. This is the case of the boy who also appears in the video, who is 19 years old and has also filed a complaint. In your case, it is limited to recording and broadcasting the video.

video removal

As announced by the Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, who condemned the events this Wednesday from the Sant Martí police station, the Mossos have already contacted the social networks where the video was circulating, such as Twitter or TikTok, to remove this content. Some videos have already been removed. Police are also investigating what role the nightclub played and what else it could have done to prevent it. In fact, the mother of the minor accuses Waka of not doing anything: "No one went to separate them."

This is a new controversy that shakes a nightclub that has been in the spotlight for several incidents in recent years. The Sant Quirze del Vallès City Council has repeatedly asked the Ministry of the Interior to close it, but this Wednesday Elena has received that it is the council that grants and withdraws nightlife licenses. A few minutes later, the Valais council issued a statement in which it asserted that it felt "absolutely helpless" in front of the Waka nightclub and urged, once again, the Generalitat to "exercise its powers" so that the venue ceases to be "an activity so insecure and problematic."

Councilor Elena recalled that the Mossos have carried out numerous police operations in this nightclub and that there is now a sanction procedure open for previous problems. The head of the Interior has asked for a "reflection" exercise to "preserve as much as possible" the identity of the minor and avoid "new victimization". Both the ministry and the Palau Solità i Plegamans City Council, where the minor is a neighbor, have made available to the victim an accompaniment and support service, as well as legal advice if she needs it. "We will act quickly and decisively to find out the facts and the responsibilities arising from the facts and their dissemination, as well as the responsibilities of the premises", concluded the councilor, who warned that the video could be considered child pornography.