The opposition criticizes the investments and is concerned about the increase in spending

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The municipality of Escaldes-Engordany has given the green light this Wednesday to a budget of 39.9 million euros that is "prudent, balanced, realistic and adapted to the needs of the parish" as emphasized by the junior consul and councilor of Finance, Joaquim Dolsa. This is the highest budget of the mandate and the one that foresees the most real investments, which amount to 12.6 million euros. In fact, Dolsa has defended that in the four years of his mandate they will have invested in the parish an amount similar to that of the previous eight years, and thus, 2024 will end having invested 31.6 million compared to 32 in the two previous mandates. The minor consul has reiterated that, in addition, the situation of the parish is favorable and that it has a treasury of 30 million that allows it to deal with historical credits while at the same time has lowered the debt that goes from 53.24% in 2019 to the current 19%. The opposition has voted against this budget, since they consider that the investments are made in projects that, despite being "useful, are not a priority" or, directly, they do not see the usefulness, as it has assessed the councilor of the opposition Miquel Aleix.

Dolsa has defended, in the point dedicated to the budget framework, that without a doubt the situation of Escaldes-Engordany is the best in the country and that although the forecast was to end the mandate with an investment of twenty million this will be exceeded "by far ". He has also remarked that the debt has been reduced and that it is now very far from the maximum ceiling.

As for the budget, the minor consul and councilor of Finance has defended that it is a document that puts "people and companies at the center" and that it does not increase fiscal pressure, as was approved last week. He emphasized that an increase in income is expected, which will rise in the case of currents to 24 million and to 15.8 million in capital transfers, financial assets and liabilities. Thus, he detailed that although there is income, such as that of car parks that have recovered the pre-pandemic line, in the case of construction, which is expected to also go up, he wanted to be cautious. Regarding transfers, he pointed out that it will be necessary to pay attention to the final assessment of the GDP.

In terms of expenses, as mentioned, an investment of 12.6 million euros is planned and projects such as the excavation and parking of the affordable apartment building stand out, which will have a cost of 2.4 million; three million for the reform of the retirement home; 5.2 for the Caldes project or 6.5 for the church car park. In these last two cases, these are multi-year contracts that will be paid off in 2024. In addition, actions are planned in the Prat del Roure room, as was awarded last week; the rehabilitation of the bridges of the parish or a match of one million euros to unblock the urbanization of Can Noguer.

Regarding the personnel chapter, it rises to 12.2 million and in this case the increase in salaries is expected by 4.5% including all personnel and positions.

From the opposition they have shown concern about the increase in personnel expenses and Aleix has emphasized that they agree to have "an efficient, effective, valued and paid administration" but that it is fair for the needs existing Dolsa has responded that part of the increase in these years is due to the application of the IPC and not to new hires.

Regarding investments, the opposition has lamented that more actions are not being taken in other parts of the parish, and they have been particularly critical of the fact that a new phase of the separation of Fiter and Rossell is not being carried out or that of the Engolasters road, lamenting in this way the environmental policy of the current majority. The Consul Major, Rosa Gili, has defended the actions to combat climate change and has indicated that if a new phase is not carried out in Fiter and Rossell, it is because an agreement has not been reached with FEDA and they do not want to do some work that needs to be done again in a few years. And as for the criticism of the lack of investment in other areas, the majority has defended actions such as the Lanterna in Fiter and Rossell or the heritage purchases that have been made.

As the opposition has once again put on the table the fact that the Obac car park has not been carried forward until now, the majority have reiterated that when they arrived at the common they found a contract that was difficult to materialize and that would have involved an important investment of twenty million. And as for the criticism that a plot of land in Fiter and Rossell has not been acquired where Aleix has defended that parking and flats could have been built, the minor consul has replied that it was not possible to pay a price that was out of the market .

And in the face of criticism from the opposition councilor Núria Barquín regretting that the big investments are coming now and that a part must be paid in 2024, thus "mortgaging" a common future, both Dolsa and Gili have argued that multi-year is common practice considering that many of the projects that will begin in 2023, such as the church parking lot, are unlikely to be completed next year. In this sense, the consul major has stated that "financial management means that you pay when you finish the projects" and, therefore, some will not be able to be settled next year. He recalled, however, that in some of these projects, such as the church parking lot, they had the support of the opposition, with which "we do not mortgage anything" and he reiterated that the

Finally, and to questions from the media to the consuls about whether they plan to finish their mandate, Gili emphasized that they are "very involved in day-to-day life" and has no "plans to go anywhere", since there are projects that They are "enthusiastic" and that they want to finish. In turn, Dolsa remarked that "the mandate ends at the end of 2023 and it is our commitment to finish it".